Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Girl and Her Burrito

Last summer my husband and I spent five days in the back-country of Yosemite. We started out in the meadows and hiked down to the fork of the Merced and back. Despite the Big Meadows fire burning the whole time - we ended up with mostly smoke-free days. The fires seemed to keep people away - it felt like we had the national park to ourselves for most of the time.

Gallison Lake

For this trip I made all of the food from scratch. Many of the recipes were a success, one was a total failure. It is really tough having to eat something that taste gross because you know you need the calories and there is nothing else around. I learned from those mistakes! Test everything before you leave for the woods!

On our first morning at Lake Evelyn I impressed my husband with breakfast burritos. I was going to make up the grits - but it was so cold that morning, I thought something spicy and hearty would do the trick. For these burritos you will need to purchase some freeze-dried scrambled eggs. I found them online at

Be sure to buy the cooked scrambled eggs and not the egg powder! You can also find the cheese packets there.

breakfast (awaiting water)

Back-Country Breakfast Burritos - Serves 2
1 package freeze-dried cooked scrambled eggs

1 can black beans - dehydrated
1 cup of your favorite salsa - dehydrated
2 whole wheat tortillas
2 chedder cheese packets
2 16oz plastic containers with screw lids
2 sandwhich size zip lock bags

At home:
Divide the dehydrated black beans and salsa between the two zip lock bags. Gently fold each tortilla and place in zip lock bags. Place one cheese packet in each bag. Seal.

breakfast burritos!

On the trail:
Prepare eggs using package directions. While eggs sit, boil 1 1/2 cups of water in a pot. Remove tortillas and cheese packets from zip lock bags, and set aside. Place bean and salsa mixture in plastic containers. Divide boiling water between the two. Screw lids on and let sit for 7-10 minutes. Lay tortillas on a flat surface and spoon dehydrated beans and salsa on to each. Divide the scrambled eggs between each tortilla. Squeeze packet of cheese on each tortilla. Roll up and eat!

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