Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Thai Lunch at Mount Tallac


We had record amounts of snow last year. This year, not so much. The lack of snow has kept B and I from getting out to the mountains as much as we would like. It has also slowed down my motivation to design new camp meals. But with the renewed goal with S to finish our cookbook in 2012, and a 7 day backpacking trip to King's Canyon this summer, I have finally found the incentive (and excitement) to get back in the camping kitchen.

Our trip out to Mount Tallac on this gorgeous sunny day was a lazy snowshoe trip. Both B and I were recovering from a week-long flu. Even though we didn't climb to the summit, we got some much needed fresh air, vitamin D, and a new recipe to add to the upcoming cookbook.

This recipe is traditionally served at breakfast in Thailand, and S says she had it every morning with a mango smoothie when she visited. I think this would work nicely as a backpacking breakfast as well, especially on chilly mornings. You can even serve it with a few pieces of dried mango for a Thai-like breakfast.

Khao Tom Moo (Rice Soup with Pork) - Serves 2

1 bunch celery - dehydrated
2 Tbsp Magi seasoning
2 Tbsp fish sauce
1/4 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp galangal powder
8 oz ground pork, cooked
1/2 cup instant white rice
1 clove garlic - minced
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp cilantro - dehydrated
1 package instant chicken broth or concentrate
White pepper to taste


At home:
Mix the cooked ground pork with 1 Tbsp of Magi Seasoning and 1 Tbsp of fish sauce. Dehydrate according to your dehydrator's directions. Here are some tips for food dehydration.
Divide dehydrated pork, celery, and rice into two Ziploc bags.
Add 1/8 tsp white pepper and 1/4 tsp galangal powder to each bag
Seal bags and write 2 cups water on each bag

Heat olive oil in a pan over medium high heat. Add garlic and cook until brown. Let cool. When cool, put garlic and olive oil in a separate Ziploc bag.

Add dehydrated cilantro to a third Ziploc bag.


On the trail:

Put 2 cups of water in a JetBoil or pan.
Heat to almost boiling and add instant broth and 1 package of pork/rice soup mix.
Bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
Turn off heat and let sit for ten minutes.
Empty garlic and oil in to cup or insulated camp bowl. Make your own camp bowl
Pour soup over garlic and stir.
Sprinkle dehydrated cilantro on top.
Sprinkle with white pepper to taste.

*If you plan on eating this meal on your first or second day out, try bringing fresh cilantro and garlic and prepare on the trail.


1 comment:

  1. This recipe was great. I substituted powered ginger for galangal powder as that is what I had. Galangal powder, yeah, I had to look it up.

    In addition to the fish sauce, I added a bit of spicy garlic paste to the pork. So flipping good.

    Thank you for the idea.
